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Friday March 31

Hey fellow Onanists, here is something I came across today (no, not that way).
Thought it might be of some interest to readers, as I know I learned a few things today.

What is masturbation?

Masturbation is the physical stimulation of the sexual organs to produce feelings of pleasure. If you're a male and your body has matured to a certain point, masturbating will eventually result in semen (fluid containing sperm cells, among other things) being expelled from the penis, usually accompanied by a very good whole-body feeling known as orgasm.

How do people masturbate?

Most guys masturbate by rubbing their penis with their hand or hands, or by rubbing the penis against something, such as a pillow. Girls masturbate by rubbing the outside of their vagina, or by inserting something (such as a vibrator) into the vagina. However, there are a lot of variations on these methods. www.JackinWorld.com contains dozens of techniques for guys to try.

Why masturbate?

First and foremost, because it feels good, and second, because ejaculating semen reduces the sexual tension that builds up in adult men and especially teenagers. However, recent studies suggest that ejaculating regularly isn't just fun, it can actually help prevent a certain kind of cancer later in life.

Is masturbation healthy?

Masturbation is a healthy and normal practice, like daydreaming or napping. Even masturbating several times each day is completely harmless. You may encounter people, books, or websites that say masturbation is bad or harmful; this is just plain incorrect. As any reputable medical doctor will tell you, old myths about masturbation affecting the eyesight, causing permanent fatigue or insanity, etc., have long been disproved. In fact, recent studies suggest that ejaculating regularly isn't just fun, it can actually help prevent a certain kind of cancer later in life.

Can I masturbate too much?

Unless you're rubbing yourself raw (try lubrication) or you're doing it so much that it's interfering with other aspects of your life, no, it is not possible to masturbate too much. Some Web sites claim that there is such a thing as "overmasturbation," but they're only doing this to scare people into buying phony pills that do nothing. Masturbation does not cause hair loss, chronic fatigue, etc. Don't let one bad Web site ruin your enjoyment of this healthy activity.

Is my penis normal?

If you're asking this question, there's probably about a 98% chance that your penis is normal. Perfectly good penises come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and teenagers' penises grow at very different rates. They are often curved somewhat, and the skin often has bumps and various colorations (which have nothing to do with STDs). Try not to obsess so much about your penis, and stop looking for things that might be wrong. It's there to create pleasure, not trouble and worry.

Can I make my penis bigger?

If you pay a plastic surgeon several thousand dollars, your penis can become fatter, but not really longer. And you know what? That's really the only method of penis enlargement that works. Everything else — particularly pills sold through magazines and the Internet — is a scam, aimed at malekind's #1 biggest insecurity. Some devices involving suction or vacuum can actually injure your penis. Instead of trying to change it, learn to accept your penis exactly the way it is. It's amazing how much incredible pleasure it can provide.

How can I "shoot" more?

Here's something you actually can change. If you masturbate a couple of times a day, chances are you aren't going to ejaculate very much semen, or ejaculate very forcefully. But if you want a more impressive ejaculation, hold back and save it up for a few days or a week. Drink a lot of water during the 6-hour period before you masturbate, and then draw out your masturbation session for as long as possible, spending a lot of time being very aroused. When you do finally ejaculate, it will probably come out with a lot more force, and there will be much more of it than usual. Plus, it'll feel way better than the average orgasm. Try it!

Am I gay?

This is one of the most common questions young guys ask themselves. The truth is, very few of us are 100% straight (or 100% gay). Lots of heterosexual men have fantasies about other guys, sometimes at the peak of orgasm, and this leaves them feeling very insecure. It's one of the most carefully kept secrets in male society. You're really only gay when you've concluded, without a doubt, that you enjoy males sexually more than females. Random fantasies and even sexual encounters don't make you gay.

My foreskin is too tight and I have trouble retracting it. Is there anything I can do to loosen it up?

Foreskins (which only uncircumcised males have) vary from individual to individual; some are tighter than others. If you are already well into puberty, you should be able to retract your foreskin, both when the penis is erect and when it's relaxed. If you cannot do this because it is too tight, it is possible to stretch the foreskin gently over time while softening the skin with an ointment. If the foreskin seems adhered to the penis head, you may need to consult a physician. If the doctor recommends circumcision, get a second opinion. A simple in-office cutting procedure (not a complete circumcision) is often all that's necessary to solve the problem.

I can't reach orgasm! What can I do about this?

Some guys do have a lot of trouble reaching orgasm. Several possible reasons: (1) You may be giving up too soon. Read this passage of JackinHow-To. (2) You may have ejaculated too recently. Wait a day or two (or longer) and try again. (3) You may be too young still. Some guys don't develop the ability to reach orgasm and ejaculate until well into puberty. If you're an adult and have never been able to reach orgasm or ejaculate, seek an opinion from a professional such as a urologist.

What are these bumps or spots on my penis?

It's totally normal, and very common in teenagers, for there to be bumps, pimples, or different-colored spots on the penis. They might look a little gross, but there's nothing to be ashamed of and you can't really do anything about them. Bumps on the penis may be a form of acne or may occur where new hairs are starting to grow. We recommend not focusing so much on what may be wrong with your penis — most likely, everything about it is just fine. Instead, try to accept your penis as it is: an amazing part of your body that can provide you with huge amounts of pleasure for a lifetime.

I would really like to masturbate with a friend of mine. How can I go about asking him?

Lots of guys are interested in masturbating with their buddies. Doing so, and wanting to do so, does not make you gay. JackinWorld neither encourages nor discourages these activities, aside from telling you that it's safe from an STD standpoint as long as it doesn't go beyond mutual masturbation (masturbating each other). So, we won't give direct advice. However, this has been the topic of two past Questions of the Week, and some of the readers' answers to this Question are available here and here. (Answers to an opposite-sex version of this Question are available here and here.)
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